I’m going to try to be a little
more positive in this blog compared to my last one. It may not have been the
most chipper post but I had a lot of amazing feedback. My last blog touched a
lot of people and those people reached out to me. When I hear the positive
feedback from all of you readers… it’s what keeps me going. Your kind words and
encouragement is what motivates me everyday to keep sharing my story to help
more people than I ever thought possible. You are all helping me find the
beauty in my everyday life.
On that note, today I want to talk about
seeing the beauty in others and finding it within ourselves. We can all admit
we’ve said something bad about one person or another, myself included. Easier
said than done, we need to stop doing this. What do we gain from tearing other
people down? I don’t see the point. Over the course of the last few years I’ve
learned what it feels like to not be “enough”.
I believed what everyone else said
and how he or she made me feel about myself. This is why I didn’t feel like I
was “enough”. I let negative people and their negative thoughts and words
manipulate how I felt about myself. You can’t let other people control how you
feel about yourself. You have to do it yourself. You have to believe in
yourself and believe you are enough.
You could be struggling with an
eating disorder or something as simple as an argument with a friend, a
boyfriend, or maybe a family member. Whatever the case may be, we tend to turn
to other people to feel better right? We want love and comfort to know we
aren’t ridiculous, “crazy”, worthless or not enough, right? So your friends and
family proceed to build you up and try and make you feel better... But these
amazing things they are saying about you aren’t helping right? It’s because you
don’t believe the words being said to you…but yet you’ll believe the negative
things people say to you?
Why do we allow people to
manipulate how we feel about ourselves negatively but not positively? This is
something I have learned. Only I have the power to control how I feel about
myself. It’s my choice and my power to pick and choose what I want to believe
about myself. I personally know I put other people’s wants and happiness before
my own when they are important to me. I know I have amazing goals and
accomplishments to be proud of. I know I have an amazing family and friends. It
took me while to find all of this and yes, I had people who made the process difficult
but I found all of this beauty in my life. I, Johannah found it, no one found
it for me and no one is going to take it away from me because I’m not going to
give them the power to do so.
Don’t be the person hindering
someone’s ability to see and find their own beauty. Be the person who see’s the
beauty in everyone and points them in the direction to find it. I challenge you
to not believe those negative people, don’t listen to the negative thoughts
people put in your mind, and pay more attention to those trying to guide you in
finding your own beauty. But just remember; only you have the power to find the
beauty within yourself. So go find it.