Monday, November 2, 2015

Everything Has Beauty

Hi there,
     First off I'd like to say thank you for taking time out of your busy day and life to read about mine. I'm new to the blogger world and I am beyond excited to get this thing up and going. Some of you may or may not know me but I'd still like to share a little about myself. To begin, my name is Johannah Vittetoe. I've grown up on a farm in small town Iowa. I am the youngest child in my family or as everyone else likes to call it "the baby". I grew up playing with American Girl dolls, dancing, playing school, cutting the lace off my girly socks because that wasn't "cool", and wearing those red lined superman underwear with my older brother Joel. As I got older I kept dancing and eventually started playing sports like Basketball and Volleyball. Now being in college at Iowa State University, I'm in involved in a lot as well. I am a member of Delta Delta Delta Sorority, Love Your Melon Volunteer group, Dance Marathon, and Body Image and Eating Disorder Assosication. Beginning last February I began a new chapter in my life and decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I made the choice to take part in the Miss Iowa Scholarship Program and it was one of the greatest decisions of my life. What I have gained from this program over the course of the last 8 months is incredible. It's made me who I am this very second and helped me find something I am very passionate about. Helping others. I found... (as I like to call it) my niche. This program has given me the opportunity and confidence where I can now share my story of  how I battleED Anorexia Nervosa. I am now healthy and happier than ever and I have to credit the Miss Iowa Scholarship Program for this. Miss Iowa has given me a platform to help more people than I ever thought possible. This platform has motivated me to BECOME and STAY healthy and I am forever grateful for that. With all of that being said, I am now ready to share my story and experiences to the world in hopes to help others in their struggle. Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. I found the beauty in my life, now I want you to find yours.


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